Voice in my head

10 07 2010

The filming of BEAT IT was the first time I experienced Michael Jackson actually performing.  Up to this point, our work together was quiet and in the more intimate surroundings of photo shoots.  It was 1983.  Michael was extremely shy, soft spoken and gracious.

Our first scene took place in a smelly hotel room in Skid Row in LA. Cameras, lights and speakers were all crammed into a small space.  Michael’s position was first lying, and then sitting on a grungy bed.  He was wearing a cute little white t-shirt with what looked like piano keys on it, and red jammy bottoms. Then he was directed, by Bob Giraldi to rise, walk and then stare into the camera lens located in the narrow doorway.  Being Michael Jackson’s make up artist required me to stay close by.  The only space for me was sitting on a chest of drawers, next to the camera. The lens was actually crossing above my legs and barely missing my nose.

Michael nodded his head, in acknowledgement that he was ready and understood his marks.  Playback began.  The music was deafening and the beat vibrated the entire hotel.

I would have fallen off of my seat, if there had been room to fall.  The shy guy I had known for all these month suddenly turned into someone I hadn’t met before.  The look he gave into the camera, the sexy snarl, was nothing like the person I knew up to that point. He became the music.

This was my first lesson of what a true artist was. I was fascinated by the transformation. How could someone’s nature be completely altered?  When we talked about it, he explained, “it isn’t me”.  He said it was God, coming through him.

This brings me to the journey.  My journey at least, and maybe you would like to take a stroll down this path for a moment.

Echart Tolle said  “What a liberation to realize that the ‘voice in my head’ is not who I am.

After my experience with Michael, I realized when I was creating, whether it be doing makeup and hair, or painting, when I was using my gift, I was in a state of being that was totally present and connected to what could be termed as God, (as Michael explained it) or plugged into the universe.  I experience the most blissful, peaceful, and perfect place of being in this transformed state.

That explains why Michael was more at peace in front of thousands of people on stage, than he was in his daily reality.

I find that my mind, “the voice in my head” often stands in the way of my joy.

What a wonderful realization (gift) Michael put in my pocket at such a young age.  You are now meeting me at the intersection. I am passing the gift to you. LYM



98 responses

10 07 2010


Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly your experiences with Michael Jackson. We all wish that we got to know him more as a person than just an entertainer. I have never before been a part of any internet blog or community chat. This is all very new for me. I cannot quite understand the magnitude of this wonderful man’s life and death has had on all of us, fan or not. Thank you for sharing your gift.

10 07 2010

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us. The world needs to know the real Michael and you are his messenger.

10 07 2010

Dear Karen! I am thanking so so much for your adorable memories which you divide with us! They are so important for us . I can’t write in English a lot . I am from Russia. But I want to say we love you so much and glad to listen you again. Please, never leave us again . You are our real connection with Michael. Never mind on the ghosts of jealousy. Love you, Karen.

10 07 2010

what a golden memory! thank you for caring enough to share with. can i call u Kare Bear? hasn’t anyone ever called u that?? xoxo sisi

10 07 2010
Karen Faye

LOL…I call my BF Kare Bear. His name is Barry. So that is our joined relationship name.

10 07 2010

Karen+Barry=Kare Bear ❤

10 07 2010

Thank you Karen for once again sharing your memories of Michael and what you learned from him with all of us. This is important information and he left it with you to disseminate. You don’t have to, and I appreciate that you do even when it’s difficult for you.

Much love,


10 07 2010

Thank you soo much to sharing your beautiful memory.

10 07 2010
Karen Faye

it is so much more than a memory…it is a lesson.

10 07 2010

Not that I dont adore you for yourself… but it seems Michael is still working his magic thru you. This is gonna be good. Thanks Karen and God Bless.
PS I kind of divide the world into 2 sections–those who know what LYM means and those who dont! Altho we must be sympathetic to the latter group.

10 07 2010
Karen Faye

Love You More
there shouldn’t be a divide

10 07 2010

Thank you for saying this.
As you know better than anyone,
this was Michael’s message too.
“It’s all for love. L.O.V.E.” – MJ

10 07 2010

Thank you for sharing that memory, Karen, along with all the others.

Artists around the world for centuries have been inspired by the divine. We sometimes forget that icons and entities in pop culture also channel religion and ritual. Thanks for reminding us!

10 07 2010

Thank you so much Karen for sharing this story with us. I truly love to hear these stories.
I am trying to learn from him as much as I can, becaus he is a big example/ influence for me.
I also wanna say thank you for being there for Michael for al these years and especially in the end when he needed it the most.
He really was a beautiful person inside and out. I want justice for Michael because he so deserves it for everything he has done for us.

10 07 2010

wow….beautiful memory,thank you so much…Karen,have a nice day!!! love you!!

10 07 2010

Thank you Karen for sharing this with us here. 🙂

10 07 2010

Does anyone else struggle with not only discovering their gift, but actually embracing the “gift” they have been given??? I hate sounding ungrateful, but I admit I often spend a lot of time longing to have been given a different gift – because I don’t really like the gifts I have been given, or really even see them as gifts in the first place… they actually feel more like a punishment or a curse.

10 07 2010

I hear you Jacky 🙂

I think what is consider as a gift or a curse, sometimes just depends on the beholder!

I feel we’ve several gifts and throughout life we come to identify, categorize and filter through them, while accumulating and utilizing the ones we like. I wonder though, when we’re too busy trying to discover if we have better gifts than the ones we already know about. If then our preoccupation might get in the way of the process, itself?

11 07 2010

“I find that my mind, “the voice in my head” often stands in the way of my joy.”

This is so true for me as well and this blog is making me reflect on that even more now. I know what gifts I have and which ones I don’t but time continues passing without me using these gifts and it is EXACTLY “the voice in my head”. Sometimes I try to overcome it, but it seems more often than not I just give in to it. I don’t know why…

Thank you, Karen, you’re making me reflect…

PS: Kare Bare? I love it. Haha!

10 07 2010

Youre right there shouldnt be a divide of people but it seems there always is–by their own making. Just like the ones that couldnt/wouldnt understand MJ. I guess he knew if there is enough love around its got to get to everyone eventually No one knew that better that better than him which is why the loss was so great. Its up to us now isnt it?

10 07 2010
Karen Faye

Love is limitless
…it is the “voice in our head” that tells us there might not be enough.

10 07 2010

Thank you for such a beautiful story and lesson.

10 07 2010

Dear Karen, I was right when I told you I have great expectations about this blog two days ago! It is happening again for me … after an involuntary break in being in contact with you, you are becoming once again the bridge between Michael and me in the most inspiring way.
Thank you for sharing Michael’s message and life lessons. Thank you for helping him make a better world ❤

10 07 2010

Oh my God, thank you for sharing this 1st and amazing experienced. I was watching “Heal the World” History Tour some minutes ago and I was telling to myself that Michael never is more beautiful (if it’s possible!) than when he sings this song. You and He were right, God spoke through him, that’s why he was shining so much.
I love your messages, the fact that you share all that with us. I think that’s what Michael would. Thank you very much for taking the time.

Anne-sophie (from France

10 07 2010

Hi Karen, I really appreciate to be able to follow you on this blog, even if I didn’t post so much I followed you on your facebook page before you closed it because of stupidity and hatred of some people. I follow you now on twitter and I am part of Friendsof Karen. I wanted to tell you I think you’re an amazing person, not just because you had this great and huge opportunity to have shared a deep and true friendship with Michael and worked with him and followed his teachings, but also because you’re a beautiful person and I love your philosophy of life. Sharing with us your memories with this wonderful and exceptional man is a priceless gift. You’re one of those lucky people who discovered what is their purpose in this life, what is their gift and how to develop it … I’m still looking for “the voice in my head”.
Love from France
Françoise Beauger

10 07 2010

Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories with us Turkle!

10 07 2010

That’s in deed a valuable lesson… It got me thinking of how there’s a great difference between merely existing to meet one’s daily tasks in life and to truly live life to the fullest. I don’t mean this in a material sense but in terms of following one’s passion and becoming content with one’s life.

Sometimes we might not be privileged to explore and realize the gifts we’ve been blessed with, as we may be limited by several external factors and pressures. However, no one but the ‘voice in our heads’ tend to often stand in our way of even attempting to pursue or trust where our gifts might take us. It often isn’t until we take the time to reflect on things we rationalize as common sense, or do subconsciously, that we may begin to see the true nature of the choices we’ve made in life. Hopefully, then the realization could become a source of motivation that helps us find the courage within ourselves to utilize our gifts, to full extent 🙂

Thanks Wingheart.

10 07 2010
Nicole Kienzle

Karen, thank you again so much for sharing such a important and lovely memory with us! I love it, how you describe this situation when the playback began and you “would have fallen off you seat”! 😉
And what a deep message it was for you…finally.
Now I have to search my “voice in the head”…
I’m so glad to read you again and I really hope, you’re happy too about beeing in touch with us again… <3, Nicole.

10 07 2010

I know it sounds redundant, but Thank You. It is obvious the creative genius that you have, no wonder you and Michael got along so well, like two peas in a pod, but the gift you give us of yourself and your memories of your time with Michael is precious and invaluable.

In a world where it seems that sometimes we struggle to find our place, our own unique gift, it is refreshing to hear that someone is still open to teach us, help us craft and reach deep inside ourselves to find it. Although it is true that at times the ‘voice in our heads’ rob us of our joy, our hearts usually find a way of leading us back to it. Thank you for sharing your gift, it is a ‘gift’ that I never take for granted.
With Love,

10 07 2010
Nicole Kienzle

KBR, you wrote exactly what I like to say! ❤ But I can't because my English is to bad… In German I would say so much more, but so I have only a few words to describe what I feel… 😦 But you know that already, I'm sure… 🙂

10 07 2010

Dear Karen,

Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Michael was a real blessing to the world! He shared his God given talent and used it to help others especially those that needed it most! He will live in our hearts forever!

Anyone can make u smile or cry, but it takes someone special to put a smile on your face when u already have tears in your eyes – Michael was special in that way!

Thanks again Karen! Lots of love and hugs! xxxx

Peace & Love from Malta

10 07 2010
Anna @ D16

I think it’s great that you’ve started this blog, Karen. There is too much negativity out there that’s not benefiting anyone.

Let’s focus on the positive – the gifts, the lessons, and what we’ve learned.

Thank you for sharing. I loved reading this story.

10 07 2010

This reminds me of Martin Scorsese’s description of Michael during the filming for “Bad”. He said Michael was shamanic. As you may know, the shamanic way of life is like getting into a role sometimes, and bringing your whole being into what you’re doing, and leaving your noisy mind and thoughts at the door. A total transformation, and connectiveness with the source that your work comes from, through you. Any good professional does this, maybe without realising it.
Everyone has their own perception of the world, but when you’re working as an artist you’re in a different world, where there is only the creation. I can only imagine the absolute joy you had while you were working on Michael, and no wonder you had fun while you were around him. Creative minds think alike and can work so well together, even if the forms of art are different.

Thank you so much for sharing this precious lesson. ♥ x

10 07 2010

I was following you on Twitter. I sensed your positivity and since I am lacking in that at this time, I really wanted to pay attention to what you had to say. Two days later you invited us all to join you here. I think what we need comes to us if we open our eyes in a different way in order to recognize it.

It’s amazing you are here to share with us in such an open way. You saw what happened to Michael and are still are willing to give and trust people with this information (at first I wondered if it was really you!) Thank you so much for that.

I have to say, each night I pray for 3 things: 1) for my own little ones…their health, safety, futures, etc 2) for Michael’s children, to honor his request during a difficult time in his life. (I remember seeing him in an interview with Geraldo… Michael with a black sweater on, looking characteristically so fine and humble simultaneously…at the conclusion when asked if there was anything else he wanted to say he said no, but then changed his mind and asked if the public would pray for his kids and himself), and 3) that at the moment Michael left his earthly shell God gave him the knowledge of just how truly loved he was, is, and will always be.

Thank you for sharing your gift with us Karen,

10 07 2010

what a fantastic memory! To tell you the truth I not only would have fallen over, I probably would have had to try my hardest not to dance with him..lol! I am still amazed at how his gift has such an effect on people. A story that makes me smile is my friends 5 year old watching This is it..she noticed first his head was bobbing to the beat, then before long he was up, dancing and singing along wanting to know “who is that? he is awesome!”

10 07 2010

Like everyone has said, this is a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it…:-) I’ll watch the “Beat It” video differently from now on…especially the scene you mentioned…:-) I’ll think about the shy, unassuming, boyish singer, transformed into something very special, while you observe just out of the view of the camera. Two artists in their element!…expressing different gifts, but in concert with each gift God has given.
Forever blessing!
LYM…with NO divide…:-)

10 07 2010

What a wonderful lesson… and how wonderful you interpreted it.
Watching the masters at work it’s such an dazzling way to learn, thank you for passing that light to us! 🙂

10 07 2010

This is the most precious lesson anyone can be taught in life… Knowing why you are here and using your “gift” to make this world a “better place” ❤
Thank you Karen for sharing. I think we are all so blessed for having eachother as friends who care and understand the true meaning and beauty of living and L.O.V.ing.
Thanks to Michael's L.O.V.E. we are all connected… 🙂

10 07 2010
Heidi Elizabeth

Thank you for this priceless lesson today. You have given me a lot to think about. I have been pondering my purpose on this earth for a long time now and although I still do not know what it is, I know that I need to learn to be more open to how God wants to work through me to accomplish what He put me on this earth for.


10 07 2010

Wonderful story …,,,, thanx to share Karen

11 07 2010

It´s always amazing to hear your little stories and get to know Michael better. Michael was and is special, there is just something about his mind and energy that is magic. He often said God spoke through him and listening to you makes you realize that he really believed that. Thank you to God for using this amazing boy to speak through, you two did an amazing impact on this world. My parents never forced religion upon us, they wanted us to choose our own path. My sister joined the Christian church when she was 14, I never found my calling.

I´m raised with Michaels music, my mother bought the Thriller album when it came out, the same year I was born. And then she played it non stop from that day.

I never believed in God, but I believe in Michael. He was the one to show me about compassion and love. To me, Michael was like my best friend or big brother. It´s amazing how a child connects to Michael in such a innocent way, I did and my 7 year old nephew does it today. Just like me, he always refer to “Michael would have done it like this” when he ends up in a tricky situation. His favorite song is Man In The Mirror and he wants to be like Michael “A lover not a fighter”.

So, even if I never believed in God, he showed me how to live through Michael. And he´s showing so many children around this world to this day.

I believe in a higher power, a heaven and a hell. And I believe that Michael is here with us, watching over us from that place where no one can hurt him. He was sent to us for a reason, this cruel world made sure he was called back way to soon.

I miss him, every day and in all I do. But you showed us how to go on, how to make sure that he still is here with us all the time. Even if you not only lost a hero but a friend, you took some time to help us get back up, to never give up on what he tried to show us. You gave us a place to find friends and strenght. And the strongest one was you.

To all my friends, you know I love you so so much!

Turkle, I can never say it enough, Thank you.
I love you always

11 07 2010

@Alex: I love that your nephew does that…….. my cousin who came with me to see TII and practically had to hold my hand through the thing is fifteen and texted me tonight with this situation going on in his life……….. he ended the text with “so, what do you think MJ would do?”

I had read your comment earlier and wanted to share this one here too. 🙂

11 07 2010

Dear Karen, thank you for sharing.
Tears are back in reading your words, but also a peaceful sense of joy……..deep inside. I know he is happy now. I know that. We must leave him fly around us and give us ispiration.
Your contribution is fantastic. I’m sure Michael is proud of you.
Lots of love.
Laura from Italy.

11 07 2010

What a blessing to have been a part of helping MIchael fulfill his destiny while he was with us. He was quite simply achingly beautiful and your special gifts enhanced that. In thinking about Michael, I’ve come to realize that everything about him played a special and miraculous part in his ability to cross all boundaries of race, gender, and culture in order to truly reach the hearts of the world. It was an initial “exterior” attraction, then followed by the delivery of the message for mankind. It is simply amazing to reflect on. Thank you for being a part of that glorious ripple of heaven on earth.

11 07 2010

@ seeingheaven….I find myself hoping so often that Michael somehow knows that so many of us are flooding the universe with the sound waves of his voice/music and that we are also sharing with each other the footprint of love he left, as we share insights like yours at our computers with lumps in our throats and tears in our eyes.

11 07 2010

Dear Karen, thank you for sharing your lovely memories with us. The last year had opend my eyes and I think we are all connected and we are ready to learn.



11 07 2010

Karen Thanks for sharing, I love to hear these stories make me feel closer to Michael and of course you, I love you Michael.

11 07 2010


I connect that way in nature.

Keep writing…We’re listening…


11 07 2010

Dear Karen,

I loved reading this story.
also I thank you that you divide these experiences with us.
Since Michael’s death a lot has changed in my life, how for many of us.
I question many of his messages and apprenticeships more intensely than before. He so attends in my thought.
Therefore, I am also so grateful to you that you allow to participate to us in your recollections.

I Love you

11 07 2010

Karen, thank you so much for your story! You have been blessed with the great gift of touching people’s hearts with your words!

11 07 2010

This is exactly what I experienced too. When I compose songs, I just have to feel it. When people tell me that I now have to write or compose a song, I can’t. I have to be ready for it, emotionally and just have to feel it and once I sit at the piano and try out things it’s like the melodies are just floating through my fingers and being transferred to the piano. That’s my way of knowing that it’s God.

Thanks for sharing that story Karen!

Love, Tabea

11 07 2010

Dear Karen,

Thanks for sharing this with us.
More I know Michael, more I love him.
It is very kind of you to spend your time sharing your gift and memories with us.
Certainly, it’s a way of keeping his legacy!

11 07 2010

Karen thank you for sharing your experiences working with Michael and I am happy you are back.

11 07 2010

“I find that my mind, “the voice in my head” often stands in the way of my joy.”

Yes…me, too.

11 07 2010

Amen. (And Ditto @Linn1958: “Keep Writing. We’re Listening.”) Sometimes gentle reminders are needed to remove the blocks and get us back to the drawing boards. Love-ly timing for me. : )

12 07 2010

Dear Karen,

Thank You so much for sharing all your stories about/with Michael with us,this is something really nice ,special and sweet.I cannot wait to hear more about you and your stories with Michael. The more I know you the more I LOVE You.You are gold for Michael’s fans.A beautiful human being.
God Bless You, Sweet Angel*


12 07 2010

What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it, Karen. And that quote by Echart Tolle…priceless.

Love always. Maya

12 07 2010

That was lovely to read 🙂 And very interesting. This proves, again, that Michael was THE greatest artist. Thank You Karen!

12 07 2010

I like your writing style. You should write more books. 🙂

Karen, am I on your black list (too) ? If there is such a list…

Take care,

12 07 2010
Karen Faye

Don’t be silly. I do not have a “black list”. This was a concoction created by some over zealous Michael fans, trying to get attention. Please do not make yourself susceptible to the immature behavior of a few. It creates bad feelings among the fans. It is not what this place is about. We must move beyond the pettiness, and pass on Michael’s lessons.
I have no intention of writing a book. I can pass on what I have learned here, in a personal way with those who care about Michael, and hopefully you can do the same. Sharing with one another and passing the words around to those who want to hear.

12 07 2010

Alright, I thought so… I don’t believe in “black lists” either. Every person we meet is an opportunity to learn.
Some have more to share, others need to absorb more.
Yep, I believe he was above pettiness. That could get us lost, when we reach for higher values. We have to see the heights. Always look up. Rise above everything that keeps us from climbing.
No, I was not referring to writing a book on Michael. Just any book, whatever inspires you, because you got that in you, I can see it because I also like to write. But you got the advantage of such great experiences in life.
Anyways, thanks.
Michael was right. We are only instruments. We must let God work through us, for those who need us.

12 07 2010

Thank you so much for sharing this Karen. I also take this opportunity to say HOLA to you and my KARENLAND family as always.

Have a great Monday

12 07 2010
Karen Faye

((((((hugs)))))))) Teresita!

12 07 2010

how are you today? what are u busy recently? I wish you take good care….
have a nice day…thank you again for your sharing!!! this is a great blog!! Although my english is too bad…LOL…rest more..sleep more!!!
LOVE U MORE, and miss u and KARENLAND too

12 07 2010

(((((((((((hugs back))))))))))) Karen and family!

12 07 2010

Well said Karen…It ALL about the L.O.V.E……………..
WELL are you coming to Greece sometime in the future?? i would love to be your guide!!!

12 07 2010

Thank you Karen for sharing this lesson and precious memory. I wondered when you first saw Michael perform and you shared that with us here, what an experience that must have been…

I will carry your wise words with me because I do let the “voice in my head” hold me back in life.

I feel like I can never say “thank you” enough to you! 🙂

12 07 2010

Hi Karen. Today I watched History in film Volume II. Michaels videos are more and more amazing everyday for me. There are Beat It video too. I think it was very difficult to dance and song simultaneously. I surprised all time, how much Magic and Love is in a Michaels music.

12 07 2010

hehehehehe Karenland!!! yesss !!!

It was long time since i heard about that place for the last time.
I’m glad to hear it again….. Truthly this is KARENLAND!!

Love Teresita** =D

12 07 2010

Hello Karen!
I hope this special place on the WWW helps you and all of us connect, share and also learn about Michael’s unique art without tabloid noise.
I also hope it helps us learn to live in this new world without Michael in it.

Much Love and Respect for you, from Serbia

12 07 2010

Hello Karen,
Thank you for sharing these magic Michael moments with us. I have always wondered how Michael transformed into someone else while performing. I am happiest when I am on stage singing (I sing in a chorus) but I feel terribly nervous when singing solo. I’m hoping to learn how to connect to that special place inside just as Michael found his true self while performing. I am sure the journey is difficult but well worth it.

12 07 2010

Love back to you kampanilla 🙂

12 07 2010

Sounds like your doing and feeling better, glad to hear. Thanks for sharing your gifts from Michael. I agree that it is important to carry on his legacy and this is your way of doing just that. Much LOVE and support to you for all you do and say and share. Stay strong and keep your head up and stay focused. You’re an inspiration.

13 07 2010

Karen, I look forward to reading your thoughts and your advice. I loved your interview with the guys on 20/20, but it also made me very sad that Michael was so unwell. It is hard to understand everything. You can see him happy and laughing in the movie, his family and friends say he was excited, and yet you can see he was so frail. He was such a warrior though. I don’t know how he survived as long as he did because of what the media and those opportunists did to him. It is a scary world in which we live when the media can set out to destroy a human being systematically and methodically. Michael always gave everything he had to his fans and the world. He should still be here with us.

I’ve noticed that people call you “Turkle”. Is that a nickname that Michael gave to you? If so, why did he choose that name? It is so cute! I’ve read how he liked to give nicknames. I know he called cookies “ookie” and I think I read he had one for Frank Deleo as well. He was just a once in a lifetime kind of person. I miss him so much!

I attended the MIchael Jackson weekend at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I cried every time I saw a little child dressed like Michael or trying to dance like him. Michael would have loved watching them and THEY are the ones who will carry on his legacy.

I have a very special story to share with you and the others here. I will do that at a later time. All the best to you on this new adventure- a great adventure! 🙂

13 07 2010

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this story.

13 07 2010

Thank you for sharing this. You were blessed to be with Michael. He knew much. He was able to take messages from other levels. He was able to connect the energy of universe with people through the art. We all should learn it. Love you Karen.

14 07 2010

Hallo, good morning Karen! Thanx a lot for sharing your memories here on your blog-site. I’m very appreciate to read these stories and can hardly wait to read the next …

14 07 2010

karen, thanks so much for sharing that with us, its amazing how he could transform from such a shy guy to that amazing artist, what a talent, a beautiful man….thank you LYM!

14 07 2010

Dear Karen, how beautiful what you’ve written and what meaningful. Learning to use our gifts. Learning to allow God, the universe is expressed through us.
Thank you, thank you Michael and Karen for showing me this path. Blessings.

14 07 2010

Hi Karen,
Thank you again for everything you did for us and you still do. Thank you for sharing your emotions and experience with Michael.
I would like to ask you a small question : do you know if Michael was able to write with his left hand? I know my question is weird but here is the reason : i have a pic of him signing something for a girl and he has the pen in his left hand so………Actually i’m myself ambidextrous but i prefer to use my left hand.

If you don’t know it’s ok 😉

Love you


14 07 2010

This has nothing to do with your topic but I had to share this with someone. I work at a major medical center in my home town. Today one of the doctors I work with told me that his friend, who was the chief resident at UCLA in 2009 (emergency medicine department) was the doctor trying to resuscitate Michael. I don’t know how to feel about hearing this information. But, I don’t feel good knowing that a resident was responsible to trying to save Michael’s life. Shouldn’t they have used a more experienced doctor? The other thing he said which bothers me is his friend told him that Michael was definitely deceased when he arrived to UCLA.

15 07 2010

Emergency rooms tend to be filled with a lot of doctors in residency and then a couple seasoned doctors are usually around to keep an eye on things and override if needed. Dr. Richelle Cooper worked on him likely with the help of at least a couple residents in there. She specializes in emergency medicine and is the head of the UCLA Medical Center Emergency Department. She is the experienced one in place there, but she can’t perform miracles.

15 07 2010

Hun, i’m shocked reading ur story too, but unfortunately as Meghan said…. Even if God was there at the Ucla that day he could not saved Michael’s life… He died long time ago before to came to the Ucla ='(

Much LOVE to You Dear Sparklingh2o <3<3
and Hi Meghan <3!

Thank You Both!

14 07 2010

wow!!!! I love it!! thanksssss for sharing this treasure with us!!! thank uuu so much Karen!!!!!!

Love uuuuu Karen!!!

hope u r ok!! 🙂 😀


14 07 2010

Thank you so much again Karen, your memories and the way you write it is just so amazing and touching. I am blessed that I have experienced this too.. God coming through me…for me, when I play the piano, I could just sit there and just place my fingers on the keys and feel just like what you explained: “in a state of being that was totally present and connected to what could be termed as God” because I begin to play music that I couldn’t believe I could even play. This has reassured me that there is truly a gift in everyone, you will discover it one day dear friends, so don’t give up! ❤ Love you,

14 07 2010

Karen…thank you for caring enough to share this lesson with us. It’s amazing what the human mind of capable of, if we just learn to get out off our own way and let our inner gift shine through.

You certainly had an amazing example to learn from in Michael, Karen. But your gift was there all along, as it is for all of us, true purpose comes so naturally, like breathing. The hard part is recognizing your gift and nurturing it, especially if your not that enthusiastic about where your natural talent lies. ( perhaps thats my mind being scared to embrace something that may take me in a direction that doesn’t fit my master-plan LOL.) I do know that what you are saying is so true, but the mind rebels against happiness so easily that its easy to become trapped there in self doubt.

I truly believe that before we can recognize our inner self and gift, we have to learn to just get out of our own dam way.
The only thing stopping us from being whole is self doubt and a heart that’s closed to possibilities…
( Oh BTW…. did i tell you how inspirational you are this week!)
Thanks Karen. ILY x

16 07 2010

Spreading L.O.V.E here.

Have a nice weekend everyone. I LOVE YOU!

16 07 2010

Yes Teresita, You are right =D !
Love, Fun and SMILE*

16 07 2010

Happy peaceful weekend to all of you. Love

19 07 2010

“I realized when I was creating, whether it be doing makeup and hair, or painting, when I was using my gift, I was in a state of being that was totally present and connected to what could be termed as God, (as Michael explained it) or plugged into the universe. I experience the most blissful, peaceful, and perfect place of being in this transformed state.”

This is so true..when you are creating something (whatever it is) you’re kind of detched of your “normal life” you forget everything, and you just feel that powerful connection…that’s probably why letting ourselves being transportated by this energy it’s the most effective way to escape the troubles of our “everyday’s life”.

The “transformation” Michael experienced while performing it’s something that confirms this, and experiencing this first hand must have been really powerful. Having the chance of really knowing both sides of Michael’s personality, as a person and as an artist it’s something really incredible..you’ve been really lucky, and I’m really happy I can enjoy this indirectly, through your reminiscences.

19 07 2010

Good night everybody. I am glad to be here. I will share with you tomorrow 🙂


28 07 2010

Karen, I have been waiting for you to do this! Thank you so much for this, for giving us a piece of Michael Jackson, the man. I so look forward to hearing what else you will be sharing with us and also your thoughts on the self. I found everything you said very thought provoking…thank you for that. I too am an artist and former Cosmetologist (Cosmetology wasn’t my calling) and I know what you are talking about, about that moment when you are creating your feelings on paper (in my case) and it is only the here and now, the mind is clean, there are no thoughts about the future or the past, its numbing and at the same time electrifying…there is no time and you are just…self. Honestly, as a mother of 3 busy children trying to complete my degree, you reminded me of what I have been denying myself. I need to pick up my art again and get connected with myself again… Thanks Karen for bringing that to my attention and awaking that desire I have been ignoring and thank you for sharing Michael.

30 07 2010

Karen, that wonderful story!
The mind is indeed a mystery. And the path of transformation is unusual even …
But this is not the beginning of the walk, but the lateness of it. I think that phenomena do not exist alone, but depend on our funds and our relationship with them, thinking that everything is empty space of infinite possibilities, what remains is the mind and its projections …
When it does, feel like a rain in a desert … or an oasis, which most often see is a new fact, a fluke, a synchronicity blessed, a revealing conversation, a new element enters the story, a dream, an understanding that comes from another order … like Newton’s apple. Something that always has the support of the mysterious and beneficent forces of the universe, an energy blessing … and release. And this reversal, all the premises, the way we saw and the stories they had about us, just fall away, and falling, a wider landscape unfolds and changes us, definitely.
Every report I read about him, each news only gives me more sure of how he was an enlightened being.
Thanks for sharing.

A tender kiss,

Andy Saint’Clair.

30 07 2010

I always felt that when Michael was on stage he connected to the Universal Consciousness, the UC being GOD. Michael was magic on stage and in his songwriting and art and he must have channeled the Universal Consciousness. If everyone on the planet would channel this and connect this way I think we might be able to achieve harmony and get closer to peace and true love.

5 08 2010

Karen, your blog is liberating! I want share something with you as well…
Before I purchased TII ticket, there was a voice inside of me saying, “You must go to TII, because experiencing Michael’s presence and music will transform you, your body.” I truly believed it without any doubts.
But he got taken away. We all missed him since then.
After a week of his passing. I woke up one day, wanting to sing suddenly.
You can ask anyone around me, I have not sung for my entire life and never wanted to sing either.
My first song is “Ben” (Karen, I will put a video on youtube later as well)
I didn’t know what happened, but I suddenly can sing.
And I felt closer to Michael in a way I never felt before.
Did his death trigger my music sense?
Did Michael make me see the passion inside of me?
Or everything happened because of the wondrous of life itself?
I have been singing for a bout a year now. Whenever I sing, I can see Michael’s face.
He is an angel now.

5 08 2010

What a blessing. Keep singing!!!

6 08 2010

hi karen thanks for sharing the truth is that I at age 26 I have all my life thought that MJ was a gift from God who sent us to humanity a being full of humility and love for many of us so I know how from heaven gives us his blessing thanks


10 08 2010

Karen, I love these behind-the-scenes details from the set. Watching the Beat It video will never be the same for me … while watching Michael stare me down, rockin’ the sexy snarl, I’m gonna be thinking of the smelly hotel room and you scrunched on the chest of drawers nearby, the camera grazing your nose. LOL!! Oh and I love Michael’s cute piano keys/musical notes t-shirt so much. I actually have one and love wearing it. It makes people smile when they see it. 🙂 Don’t cha love that?!?

Eckhart Tolle’s wisdom has also been a part of my journey. Did Michael ever read his books?

I can’t remember who said it but it was in a documentary about Michael … he said Michael ‘became possessed’ when he was on stage performing. The same heavenly ‘transformation’ you referred to Karen. Wow, he was/is somethin’ to watch!!

I have experienced moments of divine bliss when the self disappears and becomes one with God/the Universe when creating art, doing anything creative, being in the presence of children or connecting with nature. Peace reigns, Love flows, Joy grows. Happy Place. In my life though, I have struggled to make the time, to nurture my talent and my art, to feed my soul in this way. The demands of daily life and the voice in my head get in the way …

Thank you Karen for the reminder of this important lesson and for sharing this beautiful gift from Michael. ❤


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